Call for Artists: Water Resources-Themed Public Art Installation in the Rice Creek Watershed District
Location: MN — Twin Cities Metro
Type: RFP / RFQs
Public Art
Deadline: 01/05/2024
Open to artists statewide
Paid opportunity (up to $6,000)
Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) and the White Bear Center for the Arts (WBCA) are partnering to find an artist to complete a public art installation within the Minnesota Water Steward: Art for Water volunteer program. We’re looking for an artist who’s interested in water resources/water conservation and extending their reach into public education and outreach. This is an opportunity for an artist to become a part of the Art for Water community with other artists, install a public art piece, connect and interact with local communities, promote their art, and become a certified steward of our water resources.
The Artist must complete the volunteer program called the Minnesota Water Steward: Art for Water program in 2024. The Artist will have the opportunity to collaborate with other Art for Water Artists and get support from SpringBoard for the Arts while in the program.
In the Art for Water program, an art installation project is required for the final project (project requirements below). The Artist’s project will be funded through RCWD (budget below).
About the RCWD: RCWD was established to address water resource challenges within the Rice Creek watershed. Spanning urban and rural areas in the northern Twin Cities region, the district was created to mitigate issues related to water quality, flooding, and land use practices. Its primary purpose is to regulate and manage water resources, ensuring the sustainability of the watershed. Through monitoring, regulation, and community engagement, the district works to maintain the health and resilience of the Rice Creek watershed.
RCWD’s website: www.ricecreek.org
About the Minnesota Water Steward: Art for Water Program This program aims to harness the power of art and creative expression to raise awareness and foster a deeper understanding of water conservation and protection in Minnesota. Through artistic endeavors, this initiative seeks to inspire individuals and communities to take proactive measures to safeguard Minnesota’s water resources and promote sustainable practices, ultimately contributing to the preservation of our invaluable aquatic ecosystems for future generations.
Project Details
• Create a public art piece that centers around water resources, water quality, water protection, and/or water conservation.
• Engage Artist in the Minnesota Water Steward: Art for Water program to foster water resource stewardship and increase Artist’s knowledge on water protection, conservation, and management.
• Increase public education about water resources through art
Art Project Requirements:
1. The Artist must complete the Minnesota Water Steward: Art for Water volunteer program.
a. This includes online coursework about water resources starting January 9, 2024. The Artist will have the opportunity to attend workshops to discuss their art project and collaborate with other Art for Water Artists from other watershed districts, as well as have support from SpringBoard for the Arts.
2. Project must be installed in the Rice Creek Watershed District.
a. RCWD staff will determine this.
3. Project must last or be installed for at least 3 years. Project can be permanent if applicable.
4. Project can be of any medium, suitable for outdoor spaces if applicable.
5. Project must be installed in a public place and visible to public (indoor or outdoor).
a. Finding a location is part of the Water Steward program process and part of making connections with local cities and communities.
b. RCWD staff will assist with finding a location for the project in collaboration with the Artist and establishing connections to city and county staff.
6. Must allow RCWD and WBCA to promote the art project and “Artist” name through various channels such as website, social media, and news articles.
7. Project must have an outreach and public education component such as project signage, offering sessions for community members to learn about the artwork, etc.
8. Project concept, design, creation, and installation are to be completed by the Artist in discussion with RCWD staff to approve the final design.
9. The Artist must submit a project plan with associated costs to RCWD and sign a contract for proposed work with RCWD before starting the project.
Art Project Budget:
RCWD will fund the final art project, of up to $6,000 after the project proposal is approved.
This includes the Artist’s time and materials for completing the art project. This does NOT include time for completing the Minnesota Water Steward program as this is a volunteer program and volunteer hours.
The project can be supplemented by other funding sources if applicable. The Artist is responsible for securing additional funding if needed.
Project Timeline:
The art project must be installed and completed by December 31st, 2024.
Minnesota Water Steward: Art for Water program starts early January 2024, and goes through May 2024. Includes coursework done on your own time and pace, with 2-3 workshops throughout the spring and summer.
RCWD staff will assist Artist with details of Water Steward program.
Detailed timeline here: https://minnesotawaterstewards.org/art-for-water/
Submission Instructions:
Fill out and submit this page with relevant attachments.
1.Artist Information:
Name: Address: Phone: Email:
2.Artistic Approach: Describe your Artistic vision and approach to creating public art related to water resources. Describe your motivation to do this project and what creating public art means to you.
3.Relevant Experience: Highlight your experience in creating public art. Include your career stage and preferred mediums. Include any outreach and education experience related to your art work.
4.Portfolio: Include up to 10 images of your previous work. Ensure the images are of high quality and represent your Artistic style.
5.References: Provide at least 2 professional references who have knowledge of your work. Include their email and telephone numbers.
6.Answer the following:
Do you commit to completing the MN Water Steward: Art of Water Program? Yes or No
Did you read and commit to the project requirements? Yes or No
Are you willing to sign a release of liability contract to remove RCWD, property owners, and the participating municipalities from any legal or financial responsibility toward any potential accident, injury, or property damage that may occur while installing the art project? Yes or No
Are you willing to be a part of outreach and education activities related to your art project? Such as social media posts, pictures, news articles, art showings, etc. Yes or No
***Submit response to Kendra Sommerfeld, RCWD’s Outreach and Communications Coordinator, at ksommerfeld@ricecreek.org by 4:30PM on January 5, 2024.
If you have any questions about this project including the Minnesota Water Steward program aspect, please contact Kendra Sommerfeld, RCWD’s Outreach and Communications Coordinator, at ksommerfeld@ricecreek.org or 763-398-3073
Selection Timeline:
Submission Deadline: January 5, 2024.
Artist submission reviewed and artist selected between January 8 -January 12, 2024. Artist will be notified by email or phone call from RCWD.