Climate / Change: Sioux City Art Center Biennial
Location: Iowa
Type: Call for Submissions
Visual Arts
Deadline: 06/01/2024
No entry fee required
The application is now open to submit your work for the Sioux City Art Center’s Biennial Exhibition. The theme for this year is Climate / Change and entries will be juried by Mia Laufer, Curator at the Des Moines Art Center. She has offered the following prompt for artists to consider when submitting their work:
“Few issues today post as much of an existential threat as global climate change and the arts play a crucial role in helping us understand and navigate the ongoing transformation of our world, country, and region. But both terms, climate and change, can be applied to a wide range of topics. The Sioux City Art Center’s 2024 Biennial: Climate / Change, welcomes submissions that investigate these terms from a range of perspectives. Artists are asked to submit work that addresses: changes to the environment, landscape, changes to the cultural or political climate (particularly considering the 2024 election), changes to individual or collective identities, material or personal transformation, and more.”
This exhibition welcomes original artwork, created in 2022 – 2024 by artists 18 and older who currently live in Iowa or within a 300-mile radius of Sioux City.
✨Exhibition Calendar✨
✅ Submission Deadline: ‼️June 1, 2024, 11:59pm‼️
✅ Acceptance Notification: June 15
✅ Delivery/Receipt of Accepted Artworks: July 15
✅ Exhibition Opening & Public Reception: August 1, 5-7pm
✅ Exhibition Closes: January 5, 2025
✅ Pick Up/Return Artworks: February 1
Entries must be submitted via the CaFÉ form before June 1, 2024 at 11:59pm. Follow this link for the registration form and more information: https://url.us.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/IqCsCrkW9vU8WBRwc7aK1O?domain=artist.callforentry.org