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Confluence Studio

Autonomous Request for Proposals

Location: MN — Twin Cities Metro
Type: RFP / RFQs
Any discipline

Deadline: 08/25/2024

Other Criteria:
No entry fee required
Paid opportunity


Autonomous Request for Proposal goes live! (Deadline: August 25th)

Confluence Studio

As we’ve mentioned in the past, we began hosting monthly neighborhood assemblies to help define a localized understanding of authentic security in the spring of 2023. Throughout, the plan was to open an Autonomous Request for Proposal informed by these assemblies so that individuals and groups might imagine into being structures (material and immaterial) that could serve as vehicles to support a community of care here in South Minneapolis.

The A-RFP is a platform for pragmatic utopianism, a process of critical dreaming that, in broadening the horizon of the possible, allows our day-to-day goals and desires to extend further than we have yet experienced.

The A-RFP is open to three submission tracks:

The Neighbor track (over 18 years old) is for residents of the Third Precinct patrol zone who have lived with its ruins and recognize what neighborhood needs are. The Youth track (18 years old or younger) is for folks who will have to live with the design of the Third Precinct, or the global security state more broadly around the world, and can imagine the site in ways elders cannot. The Professional track is for artists and designers who have expertise to offer and can draw on a background in relevant fields, including architecture, city planning, community organizing, participatory action research, arts, and other critical spatial practices.

A community-based process will lead to the selection of the most resonant submissions in each track.

Each selection will receive $1,500 and will collaborate together on the final project.

For additional details, history and context, please see the A-RFP page on the Studio’s website.