Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program
Location: North Dakota
Type: Training / Education
Any discipline
Deadline: 04/19/2024
Paid opportunity
Submission Deadline: April 19, 2024
Event Dates: July 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025
Award Info: Funding up to $4,500 for master traditional artists to pass on their skills and knowledge to an apprentice(s) over an extended period of time.
Eligibility: Regional
Categories: Craft/Traditional Arts
Location: ND, United States
The Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeship program honors and encourages the preservation of North Dakota’s diverse living traditions by providing funding up to $4,500 for master traditional artists to pass on their skills and knowledge to an apprentice(s) over an extended period of time.
Traditional and folk arts are shared creative expressions of identity passed from generation to generation within a family, community, region, tribe, ethnic group, occupation, or religion. Forms of traditional expression include craft, technical skill, music, dance, and ritual celebration. These art forms are usually passed from one individual to another informally, by word of mouth or by example.
A master may apply for and receive more than one grant if circumstances warrant, especially if the projects involve different artforms.
First-time applicants are encouraged to contact the program officer if they have questions while preparing the application. The program officer can assist with eligibility questions and project idea development and goals.
Eligibility Info
Must be a North Dakota resident or from neighboring states