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We will be closed July 4-8 Details
Operation Downtown

Downtown Des Moines Court Avenue Mural - RFQ Placemaking Opportunity

Location: Iowa
Type: RFP / RFQs
Visual Arts

Deadline: 03/29/2024

Other Criteria:
Open to artists nationally
Open to artists statewide
Paid opportunity ($18,000)


Request for artist qualifications to create a mural for the east-facing three-story wall of the 208 Court Avenue building in Downtown Des Moines (DSM). This wall is at a prominent intersection in DSM and overlooks a parking lot adjacent to the Farmer’s Market. The image should bring vibrancy and energy to the area.

$250 will be provided for each finalist artist selected to create a design.

$18,000 for materials and artist fee will be provided for the final artist selected to complete the mural. Lift will be provided.

For more information, full timeline, and images of the wall please see: