Veterans Mural (In Search of: Navy and Coast Guard Artists)
Location: MN — Central (St. Cloud)
Type: Call for Submissions
Public Art
Deadline: 06/14/2024
No entry fee required
Open to artists statewide
Paid opportunity
Veterans Rock is a non-profit in Saint Cloud, MN that is working on designing a Veterans monument for the city. Our vision is to have one artist from each branch of the military collaborate on a mural on a giant granite boulder. We have artists selected for the Army, Marines, Air Force, and Space Force, but we are still in search of one Navy Vet and one Coastie to round out our team of artists. Paint and other supplies will be provided, and we are looking to start painting this July!
To learn more about our project, please visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/VeteransRockMN
If you have any questions, you can reach us at: veteransrockmn@gmail.com