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We will be closed July 4-8 Details
Gammelgården Museum of Scandia

Volunteer at Midsommardagen (Midsummer Day)

Location: MN — Twin Cities Metro
Type: Volunteer Opportunity
Arts Administration

Deadline: 06/23/2024


Gammelgården’s Midsommardagen is the most popular one of its community festivals of the year. Join us for this outdoor festival celebrating the beauty of the Summer Day. Dating back to ancient times, Midsommardagen marks the longest day of the year and welcomes back warm weather.

Enjoy traditional Swedish music, group folk dancing, hands-on activities, arts, crafts, and vendor fair, demonstrations by artists, and, in the center of it all, the Majstång/Midsommarstång (May/Midsummer Pole), freshly decorated with spring greenery.

Volunteers are needed to help with set-up, hands-on activities, greeting guests, providing assistance to guests to make floral headwreaths, serving food and beverages, clean-up, and many other roles.