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We will be closed July 4-8 Details

Springboard Group Office Hours for Creative Community Work


Have questions or ideas about your work in community- and want feedback from Springboard staff and other practitioners? Drop into a Springboard Group Office Hour for Creative Community Work.

This invitation to drop into Springboard's recurring virtual office hours is invitation only- for artists and community practitioners who have participated in a related Springboard program or training, and are working on creative community projects or programs.

Thursdays, 1-2pm Central Time (US & Canada): We host an open group session - you might come with a question about a project in process; seeking help brainstorming next steps; or looking for feedback on a situation you’re new to or thoughts on setting up a program. Share, learn, & meet new folks!

Office Hours for Creative Community Work are currently on pause.

If you have questions or are interested in connecting, please email:

Springboard Staff

Associate Director

National Program Manager


Office Hours are hosted by a rotation of Springboard staff and consultants:

Jun-Li Wang/Springboard

Michele Anderson/Springboard

Ricardo Beaird/Springboard

Sam Buffington/Springboard

Michael Rohd/Art-Train co-facilitator/Co-Lab for Civic Imagination