Get individualized assistance in a small group setting on organizing your digital assets, including files, images, receipts, documents, emails and more. We’ll work with what you have, in a supportive, small group setting, to create an efficient and realistic system for managing your inventory, storing your artwork, and tracking your expenses.
Get individualized assistance in a small group setting on writing an individual grant. We’ll be focusing on the upcoming Flexible Support grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, but you’re welcome to bring any grant you’re working on. Whether you’re just starting or need some pointers, we’ll be able to help get you on your way.
Receive some in-person guidance from a video professional on editing your project in Adobe Premiere Pro. Filmmakers John Vang and Melissa Vang will be on-hand to provide hour-long tutorials on trimming and arranging clips, adding graphics and text, adjusting color, working with audio and exporting your video.