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We will be closed July 4-8 Details
Praxi Photo Art Center call

THEME: The Shadow Aspect | JUROR: Elizabeth Flinsch ‘Most people think that shadows follow, precede, surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses, and memories.’ – Elie Wiesel Praxis Gallery seeks photographic art that explores the formal, conceptual, and metaphoric implications of the shadow. Submissions may focus on the shadow as […]

The Beauty in Madness: Juried Photo Exhibition

Madness (mental illness) is something that frightens and fascinates us all. It is a word with which we are universally familiar yet haunts the human imagination. Through centuries, in poetry, prose, drama, and the visual arts, “madness” has been on display for all to see. With devastating effect, mental illness can disturb our commonsense assumptions; […]

AAP Magazine 39: Shadows

Mysterious, magical, intense, timeless, sometimes nostalgic… mastering the shadows in photography is an art in itself. It is a story in its own right, a unique form of expression. Send us a cohesive body of work or portfolio – capturing the poetry and the power of shadows! The subject is totally up to you. Your […]

Call for Printmaking & Photography Studio Members

We are a Printmaking Studio in Northeast Minneapolis called SuperCharged Printmakers. This is a call for artists who want to become members to our studio. We offer studio memberships for printmakers and photographers with experience to have access to the studio and use of the presses, exposure units and darkroom(s). Memberships come with lots of […]

Al & Mickey Quinlan Artist Residency

Whitefish Bay, on the Door Peninsula in Wisconsin, has long been a creative haven for artists who are an important part of the local community and bring the process of creating art into daily life. Inspired by the history of the Dome House and the vibrant artistic community in Door County, the Al & Mickey […]

It’s the People 2024-2025 – Portrait photography open call

Introduction: Hennepin Theatre Trust is seeking Minnesota based photographers for the 2024-2025 edition of It’s the People, a public art project which features large-scale photo banners along Hennepin Avenue in downtown Minneapolis. This initiative is inspired by the exceptional, everyday people whose experiences, contributions and stories create the unique vibrancy of our shared communities. This […]