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If you are an artist with a business, you may be looking for capital to expand or invest in your work. One option may be a microloan from Kiva. The Kiva community provides access to 0% interest loans and a network that can help you find the financial resources you need to grow. This is a loan that must be repaid, and so having a solid business footing and clear repayment plan is a must for taking this step forward.

Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 and based in San Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive. Their loans are active internationally and domestically, supporting people looking to create a better future for themselves, their families and their communities.

As a trustee on Kiva, Springboard for the Arts can work with artists putting their loan proposals and business plans together, and help match proposals with matching funds. Loans can be up to $10,000. Repayment terms are between 6 months and 3 years. The average loan size is between $5,000-$6,000. We use our Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists curriculum, consultations, and business planning experience to get you to a place to succeed. Whether you're already on Kiva and looking for support, or figuring out how to get to a place to grow your creative business, Springboard can help.

Springboard Kiva FAQ

Get answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Kiva and Springboard's endorsement process as you decide if a Kiva loan is right for your business.

Go to the FAQ
Read more about microlending

Read about microlending supported by Springboard for the Arts via Kiva, and other platforms supporting artists on Creative Exchange.

Read the article
Application Resources

We've put together some resources to help you prepare a strong Kiva loan application. We'll continually be adding additional resources to this page.

Kiva Loan Application Resources
Apply for a Springboard Endorsed Kiva Loan

Springboard for the Arts is a Kiva trustee and can endorse loans and provide matching funds from the Surdna Foundation.

Kiva Loan Inquiry Form

Endorsed Kiva Loans & Artists

A Loan to Susan

A loan of $10,000 helped pay for building improvements to increase sales and a packaging redesign to reduce product cost!

Mademoiselle Miel
Springboard's Endorsed Kiva Loans

As a trustee, Springboard endorses artists on the Kiva platform who we have worked with through Work of Art, consultation, or business plan development, or who have viable business plans or experience.

All current and funded Kiva loans

Thanks to the Surdna Foundation for matching funds and program support for the Kiva partnership.