Professional Development for Integrated Singing-Acting
Location: MN — Twin Cities Metro
Type: Training / Education
Theater / Performance
Deadline: 05/15/2025
Open to artists nationally
Open to artists statewide
Performers: Join us for an extraordinary developmental experience!
The Complete Singer-Actor: Professional Development for Integrated Singing-Acting in all styles of musical storytelling
JUNE 22 TO JULY 12, 2025
on the campus of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St Paul, MN
“We don’t teach singing; we don’t teach acting, and we don’t teach moving. What we teach is how to do all three at the same time.”
The Wesley Balk Opera/Music-Theater Institute is unlike any other professional development program in the country. Now in its 47th year, the Institute builds upon the basic skills of singing, acting, and moving, and unifies these essential musical and theatrical components into integrated performance.
The Institute is dedicated to developing radiant performers — those singer-actors who, regardless of genre, communicate a strong sense of vulnerability and performance by taking risks that express emotional depth, breadth, and nuance as they respond to intuitive impulses with spontaneity and freedom. Radiant performers demonstrate a balance of skills and confidence in their musical, emotional, and physical expression; commit to the disciplines of the craft and lifelong learning; and communicate an individual artistic voice of unique and creative expression.
This intensive three-week session features an outstanding staff of instructors who create a stimulating and challenging environment, providing respectful observation, support, and instruction by focusing on individual growth instead of competition or comparison. Special attention is given to ways in which a radiant performer interacts with their material, their artform, their colleagues, and their community.
Since its inception, the Institute has had a profound impact upon hundreds of participants who have found its concepts applicable to all styles of performance, ranging from traditional opera to Broadway musicals to new and experimental music-theater.
Visit us at www.wesleybalk.org, or send us an email at balk@nautilusmusictheater.org!