MUSICIRCUS at 480 Arts
Location: MN — Twin Cities Metro
Type: Call for Submissions
Theater / Performance
Deadline: 06/01/2024
No entry fee required
Call for performers and volunteers!
Inspired by John Cage’s MUSICIRCUS, Twin Cities new music collective RenegadeEnsemble will present a six-hour “happening” of performances and activities at 480 Arts in Saint Paul on June 15th (2pm-8:39pm). We are looking for performers of any kind (musicians, artists, poets, jugglers, dancers, etc.) to join the circus, so to speak! During this six hour event, there will simultaneous performances, musical games and craft activities, a food truck — something for everyone!
This is an all ages, pay-what-you-can, come as you are, stay as long as you want event with food trucks, snacks, and alcoholic beverages available for purchase. This is not a paid performance and includes audience participation, improvisation, or noise-making of all kinds. It is an opportunity to engage with other artists, performances, and audiences in a casual, fun environment while creating art together!
If you are interested in participating as an artist, performer, or volunteer visit the event homepage: https://www.renegadeensemble.org/musicircus
We will be accepting proposals by artists/performers until June 1st, but all are welcome to participate by attending the event on June 15th.