The Personal Emergency Relief Fund is a longstanding program of Springboard for the Arts, offering artists and creative workers of all disciplines in Minnesota support of $500 in an emergency.
We are not currently accepting new applications. The application deadline (January 28, 2022, 5pm) has passed.
We have a limited amount of funding this round, enough to fund an estimated 30% of eligible applications. If you need emergency funding, please don’t wait to seek out other resources including those listed here.
We are still in a pandemic, and there’s still an enormous need for emergency funding. If you’re in a position to do so, please help support the fund for current and future applicants here:
Applicants must meet all five of these eligibility requirements:
1) Be an artist, culture bearer, or creative worker based in Minnesota. Proof of artistic practice is required.
2) Have a catastrophic, career-threatening emergency such as:
- Income loss from cancellations, closures, and postponements in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Medical emergency
- Theft
- Natural disaster
This emergency funding is typically used for basic necessities such as housing, utilities, childcare, groceries, and medical costs including mental healthcare.
3) Have not received Personal Emergency Relief Fund funding from Springboard for the Arts between December 2020 and March 2021.
4) Are not a current recipient of Springboard for the Arts’ Creative Economy or Rural Regenerator Fellowship.
5) Be a member of at least one of these priority populations:
A) Artists who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and/or Native
B) Artists who live in Greater MN (live outside the 7-county, Twin Cities metro area)
C) Artists who identify as LGBTQIA+
D) Artists with a disability or of The Deaf Community. This includes those who are immunocompromised.
Selection Process
1) Applications will be accepted Monday, January 10 - Friday, January 28 (5pm), 2022. Applicants will receive an automated email to confirm the receipt of their application.
2) After the applications closes, applications will be placed into a pool for random selection through a random lottery process. Applicants will be contacted by email if more information is required to complete their application.
Being selected does not guarantee funding. Funding is subject to application approval and available funds. We have a limited amount of funding this round, and expect to fund approximately 120 applicants.
3) Applicants will be notified of selection via email by Monday, February 21, 2022. Applicants should email if they do not receive an update on their application by this date.
The payment amount is $500. If funded, artists can choose one of one of two options for payment:
- Check mailed
- Electronic payment via PayPal
Payments are a disaster payment, and should not affect ability to claim Unemployment Insurance or other benefits. No 1099 will be issued for these funds. Artists may need to claim the contribution as income; please consult with a tax expert for specific questions.
To receive funds, the applicant must fill out a form to provide us with the information needed to make the payment. This includes a preferred payment method and a W-9. Applicants must regularly check the email provided on their application. This includes spam and junk mail folders. If we don’t receive the requested information and materials by the deadline(s) we specify, the application will be closed.
Funding for this round of the Emergency Relief Fund comes from individual donors, anonymous support, the Minneapolis Foundation, Team Lori & Julia for MyTalk 107.1 Project Down and Dirty, including sponsors David at First Equity and Aquarius Home Services, and the City of Saint Paul.
Springboard for the Arts is part of the Upper Midwest Emergency Relief Fund coalition, in partnership with Arts South Dakota, Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology, CultureSource, ImagineMKE, Racing Magpie, and The Arts Partnership.
Started in 2001 through a $10,000 endowment by theater artist Bob Malos, and the Fund has been expanded to meet this moment of pandemic and crisis.
You may have questions! We’ve tried to answer some below, but please email with any other questions.
What counts as an emergency?
We allow applicants to self-define emergency, but we expect that the need is tied to circumstances that directly impact your creative career. In the Coronavirus Emergency Relief Fund that ran from March-July 2020, 90% of applicants use their emergency funding towards rent and food.
Why a lottery this time?
Previous versions of the Personal Emergency Relief Fund have been run on a first come, first served basis, provided eligibility requirements are met. With a limited pool of funds in this moment, we want to balance responsiveness with access to the Fund, and so we have opted for a lottery once all eligible applications are in.
Why those priority groups?
This pandemic has disproportionately impacted these populations, and before the pandemic these are populations that have been affected by historic disparities in funding, resources, and access. Through this work, we seek to address needs from those most affected by ongoing, systemic inequities.
If I’ve received emergency relief funding from Springboard before, am I still eligible?
If you received funding in the Coronavirus Emergency Relief Fund that ran from December 2020 to March 2021, you are not eligible for funding in this application period. If you received funding before then, but not in the December 2020 - March 2021 period, you are eligible.
What if I don’t qualify for Springboard’s Emergency Relief Fund or need additional assistance?
Please consult this list of emergency resources [PDF] or see the emergency resource list here:
If you would like help determining your own eligibility or have other questions, please email before applying.
We have set up a fundraiser to expand the Personal Emergency Relief Fund, so that we can continue to support artists, contractors, and freelancers in Minnesota who have lost income due to Coronavirus/COVID-19. Please click below to give online, or send a check to:
Springboard for the Arts
Attn: Individual Giving
262 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, MN 55103
If you have any questions about individual giving, please contact, or 651-292-4381.
We've fielded a lot of inquiries about Emergency Relief Fund and how we've managed it, and so we've put together a quick overview resource, "So You Want to Start an Emergency Relief Fund." We're sharing our program structure and big picture thoughts about running an emergency relief fund since 2001. We hope it's useful to you as you plan your response for your community.
Thank you to our Coronavirus/COVID-19 Response Emergency Relief Fund donors!
A Simso Dean
Aaron Christofferson
Abbie Zahler
Abby Kocher
Abby Taylor
Abigail Ronner
Abraham Swee
Adam Krinsky
Adam Smerud
Aimee Kuzenski
Aisha Formanski
Alejandro Eduarte
Alexandra Hatch
Ali Lozoff
Ali Lozoff
Alice Madden
Alinda Stanley
Alison Edwards
Alissa Jordan
Allana Olson
Allison Kotzig
Allison Locey
Allison Mears
Allison Sawyer
Allison Vallant
Alycia Anderson
Alyssa Lochner
Amanda Jacobson
Amanda Lovelee
Amber Benavides
Amber Ovaska
Amelia Brown
American Composers Forum
Amy Braford Whittey
Amy Fladeboe
Amy Hyatt
Amy Patiuk
Amy Rea
Amy J. Hubbard and Geoffrey Kehoe Fund
Ana Kaveh
Andi Mickle
Andrea Albright
Andrea Anastasi
Andrea Brown
Andrea Gross
Andrea Tonsfeldt
Andrea S Herman
Andrew Hestness
Andrew Tinkham
Andrew J Kueppers
Andriana Abariotes
Andy Sturdevant
Angela Benson
Angela Ericson
Anil B Hurkadli
Anitra Budd
Ann Huidekoper
Ann Klemz
Ann Smith
Anna Lee
Anna Min
Anna Zaros
Anne Parker
Anne Peek
Anonymous x 402
Anthony Mendoza
Anton Schieffer
April and Mark Siekmeier
Ariane Kokes
Ariella Tilsen
Arleta Little
Aroha Philanthropies
Arrowhead Regional Arts Council
Ashley Hanson
Ashley Mary
Ashwini Ramaswamy
Audrey Meyer
Audrey Mcclellan McClellan
Bao Phi
Barb Hovey
Barbara Coyle
Barbara Freeman
Barbara Lind
Becky Flanders
Becky Heist
Becky Lang
Ben Fernlund
Ben Holland
Ben Krywosz
Ben Marcy
Ben Owen
Beth Bergman
Beth Johnson
Beth Kruse
Beth Richardson
Beth Sowden
Bethany Whitehead
Betty Lotterman
Betty Tisel & Sarah Farley
Betty Tisel and Sarah Farley
Bill Corbett
Bill Hefner & Julie Rohovit
Bjorn Bjornson
Blake Bolan
Blayze Buseth
Bluestem Fund
Bo Thao-Urabe
Bohmann/Riehle Family Fund
Brandon Boat
Brandon Novy
Brenda Butler
Brenda Kayzar
Brenda Masak
Brenda Owens
Brenda Simon
Brenna Brelie
Brent Carlson
Brian Hebner
Brian Hutchins
Brian Moen
Brian Vats-Fournier
Brian Walters
Briana Gruenewald
Brianna Kocka
Brigid Riley
Brooke M
Bruce Morrison
Bruce Pomerantz
Burk Charitable Fund
Burke Daneman
Bush Foundation
Butler Family Community Foundation
Cady Rutter
Caitlin Helms
Caitlin Warner
Camille Fleuriault
Carl Schroeder
Carl A Swanson
Carla Steen
Carmen Christy
Carol Barnett
Carol Daul Elhindi
Carol Harvatin
Carol Roth
Caroline Povolny
Caroline Royce
Caroline Schwert
Carolyn Briol
Carrie Coffey
Carrie Johnson
Carrie Pomeroy
Carrie Thompson
Cass/Barrere Action Fund
Cat Hammond
Catherine Baldwin
Catherine Gasiorowicz
Catherine Higgins Whiteside
Catherine Lundoff
Catherine Przybylski
Catherine Saumur
Cecelia & Arun Caspram
Chanelle Peterson
Charissa Uemura
Charles Ritt
Charles Campbell and Susan McKinnell
Charlotte Hecht
Cheryl Saterstrom
Chillon Leach
Chris Smalley
Chris Stapel
Chris Vanecek
Chris & Laurie Kemp
Chris And Sue Eidem
Christi Hansen
Christian Knox
Christin Light
Christina Frederickson
Christina Waters
Christine Baeumler
Christine Hoffman
Christine Johnson
Christine Noonan
Christine Novotny
Christine Sarkes
Christine Taffe
Christine Weeks
Christine And Tim Stanton
Christopher Osgood
Chuck Olsen
Cindy Angerhofer
Cindy Stahnke
City of Minneapolis
City of Saint Paul
Claire Colliander
Claire Halpert
Claire Lachance
Claire Lewis
Claire Maccani
Claire Thoen
Clare Croft
Clarence Falk
Clayton Jelinek
Clint Andera
Colleen Palmer
Colleen Pollack
Colleen Powers
Colleen Carey And Pam Endean
Corinne Kuhlmann-Mchie
Craig Carnahan
Craig Freeman
Cristiane Franchevich
Cuyler Dinegan
Cy Dodson
Cynthia Niederjohn
Cynthia Pratt
Cynthia Weitzel
Dana Amdahl
Dana Kassel
Dana Mattice
Dana Nelson
Daniel Donkers
Daniel Jolly
Darcy Smith
Darin Rowles
Darla Kashian
Dave Dieken
David Aquilina
David Carter
David Draeger
David Feldmann
David Gumlock
David Hoppenrath
David Lefkowitz
David Lothner
David Murphy
David Naughton
David Pace
David Pacheco
David Schultz
David and Leni Moore Family Foundation
David And Mary-Suzanne Lamkins
Dawn Mikkelson
Dawn Rossbach
Deanna Gulliford
Deborah Cushman
Deborah Jewett
Deborah Perry
Deborah Zanish
Debra Barnes
Debra Denoyelles
Delta Giordano & Allen Sabean
Deneane Richburg
Denise Clemen
Denise Culshaw
Dennis Feltz
Derek Reise
Destiny Munoz
Diana Albrecht
Diana Voges
Diane Aldis
Diane Benjamin
Diane Krech
Diane Ragsdale
Diane Tran
Dianne Ginsberg
Distracted Globe Foundation
Dominic Facio
Dominick Washington
Don Darnutzer
Don Lorr
Don'T You Feel It Too?
Dorothy Grinolds
Douglas Freeman
Drew Davis
Drew Digby
Drew Miller
Dylan Hicks
Ed Lubinski
Eden Lehr
Edith Lotterman
Edward And Donna Kraus
Edwin McGrew
Eileen Bohn
Eileen Maler
Eileen McIsaac
Elaine Grittner
Elana Schwartzman
Eleanor Savage
Elena Gustafson
Elisa Cross
Elisabeth Williams
Elissa Adams
Elizabeth Athorn
Elizabeth Buckingham
Elizabeth Ellsworth
Elizabeth Giffin
Elizabeth Lorton
Elizabeth Madaus
Elizabeth Miller
Elizabeth Sheets
Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth J. Andrew & Emily Jarrett Hughes
Ella Kampelman
Elle Thoni
Ellen Ingolfsland
Ellie Zwart
Elliott Payne
Emer Griffin
Emilia Seay Allen
Emily Gastineau
Emily Gustafson
Emily Lindholm
Emily Percy
Emily Rosenberg
Emily Shaftel
Emily Slaubaugh
Emily Vergin
Emily Olmsted Morales
Emma Bohmann
Eric Hageman
Eric Haugee
Eric McEnaney
Eric Schned
Erica Shearer
Erik Lindell
Erika Neely
Erin Heelan
Erin McHenry
Erin Oberdorfer
Erin Que
Erin Rohne
Erin Simon
Erin Swenson-Klatt
Erin Thompson
Erin Tressler
Erin Vork
Erinn K Liebhard
Ernesto Capello
Ethan Nuss
Evan Flom
Evelyn Pugh
Farrand Anderson
Feder Gordon Family Fund
Fran Hutchins
Francesca Socki
Gabriel Steller
Gail Harless
Gale Eichhorst
Gary Deutsch
Gary Dion
Gen And Nate Rantala
George Koch
George Maurer
George Steitz
Geri Sullivan
Giesla Hoelscher
Gillian Martin
Ginger Wilhelmi
Glenna Olson
Grace Pesch
Grace Riley
Grant Meachum
Grant Rykken
Gregory Martinson
Hailey And Ben Passer
Hal Schroer
Halley Norman
Haney/Moore Family Fund
Hanna Schutt
Heather Ripplinger
Heather Turngren
Heidi Jedlicka Halvarson
Heidi Schallberg
Heidi Traore
Heidi Wendling
Heidi Ziemer
Helen Booth-Tobin
Herbert Winslow
Hettie Stern
Holly Bolstad
Holly Menninger
Holly Sidford
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Ian Adams
Intermedia Arts
J W Petkau
J. Anthony Allen
Jabari Jones
Jack Becker
Jacob P
Jacob Rorem
Jade Tittle
Jaime Pedraza
Jaime Pedraza
Jake Blumberg
James Fornell
James Hafferman
James Hewitt
James Pfau
James Rustad
James Sauder
James A. Payne Fund
James B. Proman
Jamie Fuller
Jamie Macpherson
Jamie Marshall
Jamie Millard
Jan Anderson
Jan Campbell
Jan Rivers
Jan Scholl
Jane Confer
Jane Newman and Amy Lange
Janelle Beitz
Janelle Soderlind
Janet Hayman
Janet Myers
Janet L Bailey
Janice Klimek
Janice Lokken
Janis & David Weller
Janne Gossman
Jarrett Reed
Jasmine An
Jason Buranen
Jason Partridge
Jason Schupbach
Jay Senensky
Jay And Page Cowles
Jeanne Barker-Nunn
Jeanne Blaskowski
Jeanne Shields
Jeanne Cornish
Jeff Achen
Jeff Digre
Jeff Orcutt
Jeff Perry
Jeff & Lisa Given
Jeff Garske & Katie Reed Family Fund
Jeffery Alspaugh
Jeffrey Rundgren
Jelena And Joe Song
Jen Dolen
Jen Krava
Jen Tuder
Jenni Oprosko
Jennifer Gascoigne
Jennifer Marshall
Jennifer McnErtney
Jennifer Nicklay
Jennifer Probst
Jennifer Racho
Jennifer Young
Jenny Holm
Jeremy Cohen-Elyanow
Jeremy Messersmith
Jeremy / Erin Szopinski / Bowley
Jerome Foundation
Jerry Gilman
Jerry Reck
Jerry & Judy Hunt
Jerry Evan Kelley
Jes Reyes
Jessi Wyatt
Jessica Fiala
Jessica Franken
Jessica Turtle
Jesus Reyes
Jill Galstad
Jill Gunderson-Gernes
Jill Kittock
Jill Moe
Jill Schafer
Jillian Hiscock
Jim Dunlap
Jo Ann Musumeci
Joan Safford
Joan And Brian Bechtold And Balleria
Joan Bechtold Brian Balleria
Joanne Brockington
Joanne Gordon
Joanne Jongsma
Joanne Rust
Joanne Sylvander
Jody McCormick
Joel Leviton
Joel Weisberg
Johanna Lorbach
John Burke
John Gunyou
John Harrer
John Hermanson
John Munson
John Sessler
John Thomas Ii
Jon Gonia
Jon Lewis
Jon Skaalen
Jon Christian Dahlager
Jonathan Kaiser
Jonathan Oppenheimer
Jonathan Tallman
Jonathan Waldo
Jonathan and Jill Eisenberg Family Fund
Joni Van Bockel
Jordan Yasmineh
Joseph Bartmann
Joseph Marty
Joseph and Molly Reinemann
Josephine Geiger
Josh Cisewski
Josh Keegan
Josie Axnesss
Joy Rikala
Juan Fried
Judith Haaversen
Judith Herr
Judith Roy
Judy Bakken
Judy Bearman
Julia Ruther
Julie Anderson
Julie Carson
Julie Corty
Julie Doberstein
Julie Luger
Julie Meyer
Julie Stonehouse
Julie Andrus Fund
Juline Chevalier
Julka Almquist
Jun-Li Wang
Justine Selsing
K Scott and Mary Ann Portnoy Family Fund
Kaitlyn Mellini
Kaitlyn Worner
Kam Evenson
Kara Johnson
Kara Maloney
Karen Greene
Karen Norum
Karen Pedersen
Karen Peters
Karen Reid
Karen Rudrud
Karen Sande
Kari O'Connor
Karin Groening
Karl Erickson
Karla Larsen
Karla McCall
Karsten Piper
Kasey Ross
Kate Barr
Kate Havelin
Kate Knuth
Kate Suchomel
Katharine Horowitz
Katharine Tyler
Katherine Ashby
Katherine Dalager
Katherine Dillon
Katherine Hanson
Katherine Pardue
Katherine Austin Mahle
Kathleen Blair
Kathleen Dodge
Kathleen Kvern
Kathleen Kvern
Kathleen Milner
Kathleen Park
Kathleen S. Bray
Kathryn Houston
Kathryn Wiebe
Kathryn Yuill
Kathy Dummer
Kathy Parkin
Kati Medler
Katie Agnew
Katie Anthony
Katie Dierkes
Katie Jerome
Katie Marshall
Katie Selby
Katie Sisneros
Katie Hae Leo
Katie Ka Vang
Katy Lindblad
Katy McFall
Kay Smith
Kay Thomas
Kayla Martin
Keira Conkling
Keith Jensen
Kelly Hazel
Kelly O'Brien
Kelsye Gould
Kenneth Justich
Kenny Devine
Kent and Elke Knopp-Schwyn
Kerry Morgan
Kerry Walsh
Kevin Duffy
Kevin Somdahl-Sands
Kevin And Terri Frazell
Kevin T. Houle
Kim Balkcum
Kimberly Zamora Pearson
Kirstine Rosenmeier
Korla Masters
Krista Pearson
Krista Weiss
Kristen Brogdon
Kristen Milner
Kristin Ferrier
Kristin Kewitsch
Kristin Majkrzak
Kristin Makholm
Kristin Thompson
Kristina Clark
Kristina Schlosser
Kristine Iten
Kristine Fowler
Kristine M Egerman
Kurt Froehlich
Kyle Thomas
Kylie Nicholas
Lake Superior Art Glass Duluth, Mn
Larry Benoit
Lars-Erik Leafblad
Laura Doty
Laura Lindsay
Laura Migliorino
Laura And Luther Salveson
Laura M Wiesner
Laurel Stiebler
Lauren Anderson
Lauren Melcher
Lauren Peck
Lauren Warfield
Lauri Appelbaum
Lawrence A Kraft
Lebowski Urban Achiever Fund
Lee Clausen
Lee Zukor
Leif Brostrom
Len Powell
Leo Stephen Borer
Leslie Wander
Levi Weinhagen
Lewis and Kathy Sandy Charitable Trust
Lincoln Scully
Linda Brooks
Linda Comb
Linda Dickes
Linda Fei
Linda Goughnour
Linda Holford
Linda McCollough
Linda Otteson
Linda Passon-Mcnally
Linda Seidel
Linda Sue Anderson
Lindsay Bacher
Lindsay Hall
Lindsay & Zach Kacey
Lindsey Graff
Lisa Brownell
Lisa Meyer
Lisa Roe
Liz Ziegler
Liz and Xakk Asphodel
Logan Carter
Lori Erickson
Lori Halbur
Lori Klongtruatroke
Louise Chalfant
Lucas Erickson
Lucille Decoux
Lucy Comer
Lucy Hiestand
Lukas Skrove
Luke McKenty
Lynn Fleming
Lynn Speaker
Madelnie Buck
Madison Belka
Mairs and Power, Inc.
Makenzie Flom
Mandy Tizon
Mandy Whiteside
Marc&Linda Daneman
Marcia Dietz
Marcy Hiltner
Marcy Hiltner
Margaret Dayton
Margaret Oneill
Margaret Winchell
Margaret And James Wirth-Johnson
Margaret A Cargill Foundation Employee Matching Fund
Margie Grilley
Marguerite and Donald L. Harvey Family Fund
Maria Finke
Mariana Shulstad
Marie Moeller
Marilyn Teskey
Marjorie Kelly
Marjorie Pearson
Mark Bietz
Mark Kooiker
Mark Nelson
Mark Seeley
Mark Swanson
Mark And Norma Olson
Mark Traynor and Jen Peterson
Marlon Amaro
Marshall-Thoreen Family Fund
Martin Dosh
Martin Ludden
Mary Belisle
Mary Bren
Mary Dwyer
Mary Hirsch
Mary Jordan
Mary Keepers
Mary Lewis
Mary Minnick-Daniels
Mary Mullen
Mary Palmer
Mary Phelps
Mary Pow
Mary Radtke
Mary Spear
Mary T'Kach
Mary Vasaly
Mary And David Miklethun
Mary Ann Bazile
Mary K Dew
Mary K Weinhagen
Mary Kay Zabel
Mary Lou Logsdon
Maryann Weidt
Maryanne Simonitsch
Masanari Kawahara
Matt Macinnes
Matt Mason
Mattan Comay
Matthew Fetbrandt
Matthew Fritts
Matthew Olson
Maura Rivard-Hoster
Maureen Dollase
Maureen Hoeffler
Maureen Perry
Maureen Smith
Maureen Smith
McKnight Foundation
Meg Duhr
Megan Press
Meghan Nelson
Meghan Stevens
Melinda Marsolek
Melissa Cummings
Melissa Wray
Melody Gilbert
Meri Golden
Merjent Foundation
Merra Young
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council
Meyer-Grimberg Charitable Fund
Mia Divecha
Mia Pallazza
Michael Anderson
Michael Casserly
Michael Darger
Michael Hallenbeck
Michael Hartford
Michael Hurd
Michael Rohd
Michael Zimmerman
Michele Anderson
Michele Marrinan
Michelle Baker
Michelle Klein
Michelle Wiersgalla
Michelle Woster
Mike Gotter
Mike McGuire
Mike Noble
Mike & Laura Lafave
Mikki Tuohy
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Disaster Relief Fund
Minnesota Jewelry Arts Guild
Miriam Must
Miriam & David West
Mj Korsmo-Stroup
Moira Webster-Larranaga
Molly Hale
Molly Jones
Molly Leutz
Molly Maher
Molly Malchert
Monica Murray
Monica Nadal
Monica Sheets
Morgan Appleberry
Mortenson Family Foundation
Nahid Khan
Nancy Anderson
Nancy Baker
Nancy Fushan
Nancy Lyons
Nancy Molenda
Nancy Nordgren
Nancy Parlin
Nancy Valentine
Nastalie Bogira
Nathan Dungan
Nathan O’malley
Neil Waingrow
Nick Cotta
Nick Judkins
Nickie Kromminga Hill
Nicky Torkzadeh
Nikki Hunt
Nina Ebbighausen
Nina Robinson
Nor Hall
Nora Leisk
Nora Riemenschneider
Nora Hart McInerny
Norma Jean Falink
Olausen Charitable Trust
Otis Godfrey
Pam Krank
Pam Schmitz
Pamela Lohr
Pamela Parker
Pamela Standing
Pamela Vermeer
Parvoneh Shirgir
Pat Thomas
Patricia Baehler
Patricia Seflow
Patricia A Canney
Patrick Gustafson
Patrick Jones
Patti Brase
Patty Malaney
Patty Voje
Paul Durrant
Paul Fiore
Paul Gempler
Paul Kibbe
Paul Lindner
Paul Ogren
Paul Wigley
Paul Wright
Paula Engelking
Paula Quinlan
Pederson Gift Fund
Pederson Gift Fund
Penelope Snipper
Peter Greenman
Peter Wyckoff
Phoebe Shelor
Phyllis Brashler
Prairie Fire Lady Choir
Pramila Vasudevan
Priscilla Thomas
Rachael A Huener
Rachel Breen
Rachel Cain
Rachel Engh
Rachel Graff
Rachel Levitt
Rachel Lewine
Rachel Robison
Rachel Storlie
Rachel Thompson
Rachel A Brown
Randall Pottebaum
Rappaport Family Foundation
Ravi Pradhan
Raymond Serrano
Rebecca Benson
Rebecca Morales
Rebecca Pelley
Rebecca Stibbe
Rebecca Varone
Rebekah Anderson
Regents of the University of Minnesota
Reginaldo Reyes Jeffry Lusiak
Reid Knuttila
Renae Youngs
Renae And Kuehl
Renee Carey
Renee Kidd
Rhonda Gilbraith
Rich Warren
Richard Freyholtz
Richard Remedios
Richard Remedios
Richard55 Shields
Rick Hunt
Rick & Lisa Wheeler
Rita Davern
Rita Wurm
Robert Halstead
Robert Konetzki
Robert Mack
Robert Malos
Robert Ransick
Robert Zabel
Robert E Cudahy
Roberta & John Becker
Robin Bickford
Robynn Denzene
Ron And Jacque Frazzini
Rosanne Healey
Rose Chu
Rose Teng
Rosemary & David Good
Rosenstone-Guerrero Family Fund
Roxanne Miller
Ruth Leathers
Ruth Sturm
Ryan Maddux
Sally Patrick
Sam Dauer
Sam Stern
Samantha Ealy
Samuel Buffington
Sandra Agustin
Sandra Hricko
Sandra Jacobs
Sandry and Wersan Family Fund
Sandy Fazeli
Sara Montour Lewis
Sara Wessling
Sara Wilcox
Sara Lynn Newberget
Sara Van Norman
Sarah Beuning
Sarah Brennecke
Sarah Elfering
Sarah Fox
Sarah Golden
Sarah Henely
Sarah Keuper
Sarah Lazarewicz
Sarah Lutman
Sarah Marquardt
Sarah Meister
Sarah Miller
Sarah Nagle
Sarah Peters
Sarah Snapp
Sarah Wigley
Savannah Reich
Saymookda Vongsay
Scott Artley
Scott Hanson
Scott Van Wert
Sean & Anne Byrd
Sequoia Hauck
Sequoia Hauck
Shannon Jones
Shannon Robinson
Sharman Kitzis
Sharon Demark
Shauna Dee
Shawn Judge
Shawna Lee
Shelley Shreffler
Sherrie Fernandez-Williams
Simon Helgeson
Solveg Peterson
Sonia Feder-Lewis
Stacey Berkheimer
Stacy Rooney
Stacy Semler
Stacy Thieszen
Stephanie Defrance
Stephanie Duffy
Stephanie Haack
Stephanie Jacobs
Stephen Skramstad
Stephen Wilson
Steve Dietz
Steve Dietz
Steve Firkins
Steve Gass
Steve Guttormson
Steve Mullaney
Steve Zimmermann
Steven Soria
Suchitra N Sairam
Sue Nugent
Sue Searing
Susan Bernstein
Susan Campion
Susan Elsner
Susan Gonzalez
Susan Johnson
Susan Sattel
Susan Snyder
Susan Templeton
Susan A. Weinberg Charitable Trust
Susan And Warren Huhn-Bowles/Bowles
Susanne Bremer
Suzanne Edwards
Suzanne Nicolette
Suzanne Perry
Suzanne Swanson
Tamara Nadel
Tankenoff Families Foundation
Tanya Gertz
Tanya M Schmitt
Tasu Theatre Co.
Taylor Coffin
Teresa Kachelmeier
Terri Nelson
Terry Shima
Tess Schlicksup
Tessa Cunningham
The Angells
The Kate Wolford Charitable Fund
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Quiring Family Fund
The Sarah F. Lang Fund
The Whaley Foundation
Theodore and Joann Swanson
Theresa Beckhusen
Theresa Sweetland
Theresa Youngblom
Thierry Ajas
Thomas Crouse
Thomas Spainhour
Thomas P. Ducker & Suzanne J. Ducker
Thomas R Loftus
Tib Shaw
Tiffani Johnstone
Tim Kidder
Timothy Holst
Tina Frederickson and Don Eitel
Tink Urick
Todd Clasen
Todd Hauschildt
Todd Reemtsma
Todd Steigerwald
Toll Free
Tom Garneau
Tom Pfannenstiel
Tracey Deutsch
Tricia Van Ee Molbert
Trillium Foundation
Trisha Collopy
Tyler Olsen-Highness
Ute Bertog
Valerie Meyer
Vernice Carter
Veronica Ruggles
Vicki Duhr
Vicki Smith
Vickie Benson
Victoria Lauing
Warren Bowles
Wayne Kuehl
William Delaney
Willie Gregg
Zachary Kutil
Zhac Rahkonen
Zlato Fagundes
Zoe Benston
Zoffer and MacNaughton Charitable Fund