Art on the Avenue
Location: MN — Prairie Lakes (Waseca / Mankato)
Type: Vendor / Tabling Opportunity
Any discipline
Deadline: 05/15/2024
Open to artists statewide
Sales opportunity
We at Waseca Art Center are sponsoring an event called Art on the Avenue to be held June 29, 2024. We will be blocking off the street and exhibiting artists can set up their 12 x 12 tents and offer their wares for sale.
There is a booth fee of $100, if a 2nd space is also desired an additional fee of $75 will be charged for the second space. Artists keep 100% of their sales. Artists supply their own display materials, including chairs, tables. There are no electric hookups, and portable generators are not allowed. A Minnesota state tax number is required for all taxable sales.
This event will have live music, and following the event there will be a street dance sponsored by a neighboring business. We will provide additional information to interested and inquiring artists. Contact us at