Arts Learning Grant
Location: MN — Arrowhead (Duluth / Grand Rapids)
Type: Grant / Fellowship / Award
Any discipline
Deadline: 05/12/2024
No entry fee required
Paid opportunity (Up to $5000)
The Arts Learning program provides funding of up to $5,000 to support arts learning activities in any arts discipline. This grant program is intended to support high-quality, age-appropriate arts education to increase knowledge, skills, and understanding of the arts. These projects may occur in a wide variety of community venues.
Important Dates for FY24:
Open: October 2, 2023 | Deadline: Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. |
Project Start Date: February 1, 2024
Open: April 1, 2024 | Deadline: Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. |
Project Start Date: July 1, 2024
Deadlines are firm, applicants are encouraged to finish in advance of the deadline, staff is available during normal business hours to assist. Email admin@aracouncil.org or grants@aracouncil.org with questions or to schedule an appointment for longer consultations.
Our staff is available to help you sort through your ideas, give feedback on your application, as well as encourage you.
Feel free to contact our staff to receive feedback. Our Artist Resource Manager or Director of Grants & Outreach can serve as a sounding board for all parts of the process. We’re also happy to help you navigate through the application and any technical questions that come up.
If you are unfamiliar with us, the staff serves as advocates for all artists. Decisions about the grants are made by panels of artists and ARAC Board members.
We are here to help and assist you with the application process.
Who Can Apply?
To be eligible to apply for this program, you must be:
Organizations and Individuals are both eligible for this program.
State-registered and federally recognized non-profit, tax-exempt organizations
Accredited schools
Tribal governments
Units of government
Your organization must be primarily based (permanent address) in Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, or St. Louis County or of the four Tribal Nations within our region: Bois Forte, Fond du Lac, Grand Portage, or Leech Lake (within Itasca County) for at least six months.
If you have no outstanding or overdue final reports from past funding.
Both artists and arts organizations may apply only once per grant round, and cannot receive funding from the same grant program twice in a fiscal year.
In a single ARAC fiscal year (July 1 – June 30), an organization can receive grant funding of up to $25,000 total from applications reviewed in all eligible programs.
If your group has not yet received non-profit, tax-exempt status, you may apply by using a non-profit organization, accredited school, tribal government, or other unit of government as a fiscal sponsor. For information on how to use a Fiscal Sponsor, see the Fiscal Sponsor Guidelines page on our website, or contact us directly.
Qualified applicants should apply regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status, national origin, status as a documented alien, or status as a qualified individual with a disability or protected veteran. Individuals who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color, People with Disabilities, and/or lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Agender, or Two-Spirit(LGBTQIA2+)are encouraged to apply.
What Can I Fund?
Art supplies such as canvas, paints, fabrics, clay, etc.
Funds to pay volunteer and administrative costs associated with your project.
Advertising, marketing, and other promotional materials.
Equipment or technology purchases are allowed but must be integral to the artistic project proposed and must be less than 25% of the total request.
An approved project must begin within six months.
This is not a complete list.
Please reach out if you have other ideas that don’t fall under the “Can’t Fund” category below.
What Can’t I Fund?
A project where you are also applying to MN State Arts Board and have received or may receive funding from them. If you have previously applied to MSAB and did not receive the funds, you may apply here if the other qualifications are met.
A project that won’t begin for more than six months.
Equipment more than 25% of the total request amount.
The project attempts to influence any state or federal legislation.
The request includes making improvements to the applicant’s private property.
The project requires excessive entry, exhibition, or tuition fees or work toward a degree.
The project primarily involves developing school curriculum plans or teaching materials.
The project promotes religious socialization including proselytization.
The project was once supported by state general fund appropriations.
The activity involves out-of-state travel (except for the Professional Development Small Grant).
The project is designed for a private audience and is not open to the general public.
The project is for capital improvement, construction, or purchase of property.
The funds are requested for general operating support (except the Operating Support Grant).
The funds are requested for a project that serves as a benefit, fundraiser, or donation.
How Do I Apply?
Applications must be completed using the ARAC Grant Portal. Submissions in any other format, including email, will not be accepted. Instructions for navigating the online system can be found by clicking on the ‘ApplyNow’ button below.
The online application process will walk you through submitting your application.
To be eligible, your application must include all materials listed as required in the online application.
No late applications will be accepted under any circumstances, please apply early. Our staff is available to help you sort through your ideas, navigate through the application, provide feedback, and serve as a sounding board for all parts of the process.
ADA requires that organizations make access to publicly funded projects available to people with disabilities. For more information contact VSA Minnesota at www.vsamn.org and/or https://www.disability.state.mn.us/.
How Does ARAC Choose Who Gets Funded?
Decisions about the grants are made by panels of artist peers, art administrators, art supporters, and culture bearers from throughout the Arrowhead Region. If you fall into any of these categories and would like to become a reviewer, please complete a reviewer application. (Grant Panel Application) If you are interested but have not been a reviewer before we provide training as well as a stipend.
Artistic Vision, both of past work and of the proposal presented
Impact of the project on the artist’s career.
Ability to carry out the project
Applicants who demonstrate an ability to meet these criteria will be weighed together as a slate to ensure equitable distribution of geographic and demographic diversity, ability to reach underserved arts audiences, and diversity of arts disciplines.
What Questions are on the Grant Application?
Educational Value
Describe the quality, significance, and appropriateness of the arts instruction for the identified learners. This includes the specific qualifications of the teacher(s) or groups involved, as well as the value of the overall concept behind the project. Either here or in the Ability section, please make sure you discuss both the artistic qualifications of your instructors as well as why we should have confidence in their ability to complete your project. Your lesson plan will be considered both as demonstrating the value of your project as well as demonstrating your ability to complete the project.
What is your proposed project? Where will it takeplace,and what is the timeline of your activity?
Describe the educational vision behind your project.
Describe the qualifications of the instructors and project leaders and tell us why they were selected. If the intended instructors/project leaders have not been selected yet, explain the selection process that will be used. Be as specific as possible.
Impact and Evaluation
What is the anticipated community value of your project? The community value of your project might be a public event, increased access to the arts, or some other form of community engagement. Your event does not have to result in a public event if not appropriate, but in most cases, the projects will be open to the public and have a public component.
What goals/outcomes do you hope to address or achieve through engaging in this activity?
How will you know if you’ve been successful?
Your capacity to undertake your project. This includes: providing a budget that is realistic, feasible, and demonstrates a clear understanding of the scope of your project; adequate support materials; as well as narrative responses articulating your readiness to undertake the project. We also look at timetables, past work successes, and confirmation of partnerships (if applicable).
What is your work plan/timetable for completing this project?
How will you use the ARAC funding requested for this opportunity? Be as specific as possible.
Include supplies, tools, equipment, your time, etc. Note: equipment cannot exceed 25% of your overall funding request.
Tell us about why we should have confidence that you can execute this project.
You’ll be asked to attach an artistic resume, and if applicable, resume or bios of other individuals participating in your project.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your organization or your proposal?