Request for Qualifications: Public Art Opportunities for North Commons Park
Location: MN — Twin Cities Metro
City: MInneapolis, MN
Type: RFP / RFQs
Public Art
Deadline: 05/03/2024
No entry fee required
Open to artists statewide
Paid opportunity
CALL FOR ARTISTS/Request for Qualifications
Five Public Art Opportunities for North Commons Park
City of Minneapolis Art in Public Places and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
Artists are invited to apply for five public art opportunities. These opportunities are in concert with the North Commons Park Improvements Project. They include:
A major large-scale exterior façade artwork
A vinyl mural spanning windows
3 painted murals.
Local artists or artist teams may apply. The selected artists or artist teams will collaborate with the design team and community to create these public artworks.
Attend the Optional Information Meeting for Artists: April 19th, 2024, 10:30 a.m.-12 noon CST, contact for a link to the meeting